Analysis base classes

Base analysis classes provides elements to build attack or reverse analysis process.

class scared.analysis.base.BaseAttack(selection_function, model, discriminant, precision='float32', convergence_step=None)[source]

Base class for all attack analysis processing objects.

This class must be subclassed and combined with a mixin inheriting from DistinguisherMixin. It provides the common processing method for a side-channel statistical analysis.

The base class:
  • initialize the state before processing any traces

  • provides method, either to process traces and compute results manually, either to run a complete processing of a Container instance

  • manage results attributes: distinguisher method output (results), scores and convergence_traces


array containing the latest results obtained from the distinguisher computing.




array containing the latest scores obtained by processing results with discriminant.




number of traces to process before each computation of results. If convergence_step is provided, all intermediate scores computed are kept in convergence_traces


int, default=None


array containing the scores values at each convergence step defined by convergence_step.




First, you have to use either one the distinguisher mixin available, all create one which inherit from DistinguisherMixin:

class MyDistinguisherMixin(DistinguisherMixin): # implements the needed method.

Create a new class by inheriting from :class:BaseAttack class and the distinguisher mixin:

class MyAttack(BaseAttack, MyDistinguisherMixin):


Create your analysis object and run it on a container:

analysis = MyAttack(…)

__init__(selection_function, model, discriminant, precision='float32', convergence_step=None)[source]

Initialize attack.

  • selection_function (SelectionFunction) – selection function to compute intermediate values. Must inherit from SelectionFunction.

  • model (Model) – model instance to compute leakage intermediate values. Must inherit from Model.

  • discriminant (function) – a function to compute scores from a distinguisher results array. Must be decorated with scared.discriminants.discriminant().

  • precision (numpy.dtype, default=`float32`) – precision which will be used for computations.

  • convergence_step (int, default=None) – if provided, run method will compute and stores scores each time convergence_step traces are processed.


Compute results for the current state.

This method is used internally by run, but can also be used to have a finer control on the process.

class scared.analysis.base.BaseReverse(selection_function, model, precision='float32')[source]

Base class for all reverse analysis processing objects.

This class must be subclassed and combined with a mixin inheriting from DistinguisherMixin. It provides the common processing method for a side-channel statistical analysis.

The base class:
  • initialize the state before processing any traces

  • provides method, either to process traces and compute results manually, either to run a complete processing of a Container instance

  • manage results attributes: distinguisher method output (results)


array containing the latest results obtained from the distinguisher computing.



class scared.analysis.base.BasePartitionedReverse(partitions=None, *args, **kwargs)[source]
__init__(partitions=None, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Initialize analysis.

  • selection_function (SelectionFunction) – selection function to compute intermediate values. Must inherit from SelectionFunction.

  • model (Model) – model instance to compute leakage intermediate values. Must inherit from Model.

  • precision (numpy.dtype, default=`float32`) – precision which will be used for computations.

class scared.analysis.base.BasePartitionedAttack(partitions=None, *args, **kwargs)[source]
__init__(partitions=None, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Initialize attack.

  • selection_function (SelectionFunction) – selection function to compute intermediate values. Must inherit from SelectionFunction.

  • model (Model) – model instance to compute leakage intermediate values. Must inherit from Model.

  • discriminant (function) – a function to compute scores from a distinguisher results array. Must be decorated with scared.discriminants.discriminant().

  • precision (numpy.dtype, default=`float32`) – precision which will be used for computations.

  • convergence_step (int, default=None) – if provided, run method will compute and stores scores each time convergence_step traces are processed.